
By Technophobe

Metz Cathedral

Metz cathedral is noted for its stained glass collection. I really like modern stained glass and was particularly struck by this work from 1957 by Jacques Villon. Explanation in extra.
There is also a Marc Chagall window but I  couldn’t find it. I think you had to go into the inner sanctum past the Altar to see it.
A service was taking place as we went in, with some beautiful choral singing and organ music. Most enjoyable, although the words of the priest went over my head in several ways.
After a delicious salad lunch we went to the Museum which houses masses of Roman remains and parts of buildings statues columns etc.  and also artefacts up to the middle ages.
Free entry and most impressive. 
Amphorae in extra

Sad today to hear of the death of Michael Mosley. He always had some interesting if controversial ideas around health and fitness issues

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