
By flavia13


Well what an emotional week it has been.  What with Rob Burrows passing, then for me William Russell (One of the main characters from the first ever Doctor Who episode way back in 1963 and a true Gentleman), and now with Dr Michael Moseley, well known TV Doctor in the UK.  What his wife and family must be going through is just awful.  Such a tragedy.

Also D-Day80 this week, some tears shed by me.  Then yesterday the opposite extreme, although for a really sad reason, Dave Day with over 46,000 motorbikes attending and paying their tribute.  My emotions are all over the shop!!!

As to Dave Day what a great job the Traffic Police, Organisers, Marshalls etc did.  A lovely day weather-wise too and everything ran so smoothly.  No quite so much on Northern Trains who were supposed to be providing extra train coverage but I know of three cancelled trains so we decided it best not to rely on them.  By all accounts  Barrow did an excellent job too - so well done to all concerned, especially Si King and Dave's wife Lilian. 

Last night we had the treat of another steam train passing through Kents Bank so we duly went down to see it.  It was about 40 minutes late, but we knew of that so didn't go down till later.  So much quieter on the station this week, just us two, one adult family of about 5 people and a single lady, that was it.  /See extras for my collage. The bottom two are of the view of the train heading towards and starting to join Arnside Viaduct, you have to look carefully but it was a very very long way away and my zoom is only 300mm. Again not great photos but I got a couple of reasonable ones.  I decided to stay on the Lancaster side of the  platform this time to give a different perspective.  Again it was way too bright, if it had been coming the opposite way the light would have been perfect, which is why I've included one of a diesel.  Also if you look carefully you can see Hubby on the opposite photo trying to take some photos with his Doro, I forgot my Lumix but he wanted to try his phone shots anyway.  I couldn't really use the train shots for today as it went through yesterday, which is why I've put it in extras. 

Oh for those that like to know the engine was the 34046 Braunton is a West Country Class express passenger engine designed by Oliver Bulleid which alongside the Battle of Britain Class locomotives, that shared the same design, were collectively known as 'Bulleid Light Pacifics'. I have photographed it before but don't I still get excited when I hear the toot toot of a steam engine approaching and whizzing past at great speed!!!

That's it from me for today, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow. 

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