Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Lecture at Erasmus statue

Spotted them underneath this statue of Desiderius Erasmus and took it as if they listened to a lecture of this Dutch Christian humanist, Catholic theologian, educationalist, satirist, and philosopher.... in fact they listened to their guide.

A little history about Desiderius Erasmus = He breaks with the seriousness that is so characteristic of the Middle Ages and advocates an approach to life without dogmas; "Nothing is certain in life and to deny that is vanity and pride." His criticism of the Catholic Church paves the way for the Reformation.
Desiderius Erasmus gets into a heated discussion about free will with Maarten Luther. Luther believes that the human will is a slave to sin until God saves us; According to Erasmus, man is capable of making his own choice for the good. In this I agree with Erasmus. 

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