
By JackyMT

Guess who went out in the rain tonight

It's been a dry day otherwise but is raining tonight.

Been doing a lot of gardening these last few days, It takes me ages too as my poor toe is painful and my knee is playing up because of having to walk funny so my toe hurts less. 
Not had time to blip anything, and will catch up with comments later.

I have had a growth of sorts under one of my toes for well over a year. The last doctor I saw, (April 2023) referred me to a podiatrist. I got a message a couple of weeks later saying if I hadn't heard from them before September 1st to ring. I did hear in August when they asked me to send a photo of the infected toe, Which I did and received a letter dated 17th August saying I would hear from them in due course with an appointment. 
So 10 months later I decided to give them a ring. In case I had got lost in the system, spoke to a nice young man who looked my case up and said I was down for an appointment at Gibson Lane Clinic, which is my own doctors clinic, and I should get in touch with them. I went round had a word with the receptionist, who went to see a podiatrist who was there and came back to tell me she couldn't book an appointment and I had to ring the main place again, and tell them to contact Gibson Lane Practice and say I should see some one as an emergency case, then Gibson Lane could book an appointment for me. But they did have 184 people waiting for appointments. I did that now I wait.......

I Give Up. I know there are people worse off than me and waiting for hospital appointment but it really annoys me.
They have lost one of Paula's case files and she has had to go to her doctor again and start from scratch. (skin cancer).

Well thats my bit of doom and gloom. on a lighter note Kirsty came to visit today for a chat and a cuppa which cheered me up. Plus Tanzy's painkillers seem to be helping her and she is walking a lot easier but of course they won't make it better but if it's arthritis nothing will.

Weekend again have a nice one 

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