
By JackyMT

Second bloom

Kirsty bought me these on my Birthday, they duly died off but I nurtured them and here they are having a second bloom, there was a red one but that did die off altogether, but I was surprised when these started flowering again. I think they are some sort of primula not sure.

Only been shopping and dog walking today, otherwise had a bit of a lazy day.
Tanzy is walking much better with taking the pain killers, no limp and she is happier in herself. She may have to take them for awhile who knows.
but if so they are cheaper by half if we can get a prescription from the vet and get them online from 365 vets where we get the flee and worming stuff from for cat and dog.

Its rained on and off all day and quite heavy at times, but we just missed it first thing on the dog walk.

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