A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Flower Friday 07_2024 :: FF07_2024 :: Lipins

About 50% of my lupins are starting to go to seed but still attract the bees. I've also noticed sparrows have started to land on them looking for bugs, I hope to capture that at some stage.

This morning I did some light hedge pruning at the front of my property to stop it overhanging the path that runs along the front of us on the green. A near neighbour introduced themselves, something they hadn't done since we moved in. 

I would like to thank everyone who have continued to visit and comment on  my journal. I have found it difficult to follow other journals whilst dealing with the aftermath of the surgery. It is a strange balance I'm having to deal with as I start doing more activities like gardening or venturing out on the scooter to Men's Shed. I find I'm more fatigued than I have been and wanting to look less at a screen. I hope this improves especially with a major football tournament about to start! ;o)

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