
By Marionb

Last-minute Invitation

Another back-blip..and, at last, caught up. Now if only I can keep on track posting and finally get back to reading journals...

I spent the day packing for the cottage - am heading north on Saturday - and working on vacation rentals for my trip to the UK in the fall. The good news is that I managed to book two for north Wales and one for Shropshire..we are still trying to decide where to go after that....

I had just finished dinner tonight when my neighbour Elaine rushed over to ask me to go with her to see a production by a local young people's theatre group; her husband had decided not to go at the last minute, so she had an extra I grabbed a jacket and off we went...

The show was adapted from the book The Lightning Thief  by Rick Riordan. It was helpful that Elaine had read the book and summarized it for me as it was really hard to make out a lot of the dialogue and lyrics..and no, it was not just that I have a hearing issue..but because the whole performance - both band and singing -  was really high decibel! It was the first performance so maybe the audio level will be adjusted for tomorrow night. The kids did a great job and really put their hearts into the performance. I am always impressed with young people who have the courage as well as the talent to perform in public like that...

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