
By Marionb

If Life is a Bowl of Cherries.. Erma Bombeck used to say...What Am I Doing in the Pits? 

GeezI I used to enjoy her books...and some of her little comments still  stick with me...  like her kids asking her if she had ironed their clothes as they were not warm...heh heh.. that rang so true for me - always last-minute ironing - on "a need to wear right now" basis....I could never get a handle on housework..there were no routines in my such thing as a designated laundry day; laundry got done when the basket got full..and often long after it got full.. 

Single mom - full time job..I sure could have used routine...but teaching used up all my inclination to organize.. - there was none of that left over for housework!  Erma provided a little light in my day - poking fun at herself and at my foibles...making me think I was not the only one whose days often got away with them...

Today the bowl of cherries seemed to be an appropriate blip ..delicious cherries for medical test results that came back normal and the pits for the ones that could not be fixed but just lived with..and the road to dealing with them a demanding how does one change one's lifestyle and regain even some of the fitness one enjoyed  not all that long ago?  

That fit life seems to have gotten away from me...

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