
By Dakers

Return To Edinburgh

Our Thursday programme has returned to a sort of normal Thursday.

After delivering Pat to the Scottish Art Club for her life drawing class, I drive onto the RBGE for Coffee and Cake.

I had just parked the car and wandered off to purchase to check the RingGo number of the street. 

As I was returning, a warden approached me and asked if I was the owner of the Citroën Cactus. He then remarked that was the first time he had noticed a car going from ‘illegal to legal’ as he was checking his device.

We enjoyed a discussion about the LEZ zone in Edinburgh. It is now in full operation and the Apple Navigation system is very quick to offer warnings and reminders.

He remarked that a large proportion of cars comply, even quite elderly cars.

And today’s Photo? The Sweet Chestnut Tree which is displayed as ‘The afterlife of a Tree’ is staging a vigorous return to life.

And the extra. Pat’s forebears are French and Portuguese, although she was born in America.

There is a shop in the town of Rosslyn which specialises in the sale of Portuguese wine and food. See extra. Pat had a great conversation chatting to the Portuguese owners.

We certainly purchased quite a lot of groceries. Good for me.
We then enjoyed lunch in Dolly’s Tea Room. Excellent food.

The name Dolly is in memory of very famous sheep that was born in the nearby Roslin Institute.  She was the first mammal  ‘cloned’ from an adult somatic cell.

Wikipedia has the full details.

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