
By Dakers

Here Comes The Sun.

This entry was taken at 4:50 a.m.

The compressor on our newer air source heat pump is to be replaced today and I have to make sure that space is available for the external unit to be accessed and also in the basement where all the controls are located.

Of course, the basement is also where the gardening equipment rests in peace and it is blocking access to the controls. I have to remove it all and put it outside.

Of course, there is an information panel inside our domain and that is where the day to day functions are accessed.

Paul arrives on time and carries out the day long work in a highly efficient manner.

The compressor is removed and a new one put in place. All the ‘nasty’ fluids have been carefully removed and then restored. Environmentally responsible.

The compressor will be returned to the manufacturer for examination. They are engineered to last at last 15 years and this one failed in less than five years. Luckily it is still warranty.

Of course it rained and all my gardening equipment is wet.

No matter.

If you are still reading this, I am impressed. 

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