
By MrsK277

Garden haven

Mum was round just after 9am as I was finishing getting ready. It was the church coffee morning in the village hall. Mum was on the Entrance and I was on cakes. £2.50 entry included drinks and cakes. There was also a raffle. We were buoyed by the amount that came from the village as well as others from various village churches. Mum then treated me to lunch at the Aviator before heading back I could concentrate on the garden. Her words.
Apart from stopping for a quick chat with next door neighbours Kevin and Karen a pretty much worked through until my back wouldn't take anymore at 6.45! I'd worked for 6hrs! One brown bin full and another bag load, I'd Chelsea chopped, planted and cleared most of the forget me nots....and practically crawled inside for a glass of wine!! Chatted to my boys before a deep sleep.

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