
By suehutton

Foxglove in The Outwoods

I had never seen foxgloves surrounding the Outwoods car park before. I hope to go next week to see them blooming by the path down to the charcoal burner. As it was, this one was just over the fence, a prime specimen.

Len tells me there's another splendid specimen right round the back of our house so you may get to see that tomorrow.

I thought I'd highlight this by giving it an Artistic filter in Lightroom Classic and a dark vignette.

I also photographed the purple anemone in the trough on the front step and was amazed to see what looked like a golden spider in it. See extra.

We finished yesterday's curry for supper.

This year's D-Day celebrations have been very moving. We have watched the diaries this week, with actors voicing the young soldiers who took part in the invasion. The current official figure for those killed is 4141 although it's estimated 20000 were maimed and injured in the action. Some bodies have never been found. The soldiers who were in the first wave of the invasion were cannon fodder.

The Germans had commensurate losses.

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