talloplanic views

By Arell

Classy glass

A slightly more relaxed day at the coal face today, with more tinkering with the stuff I developed earlier in the week and a performance review which was meant to be half as long as it ended up being.  I was still a bit shattered when I finished up, but got myself together and once the traffic delays had dispersed (somewhat) I took Fidra into town for some shopping.

I've always liked the architecture of the Cameron Toll shopping centre.  I remember when it was built.  In 1984 I'd never seen a building that looked so futuristic, with all those excitingly angled dark glass panels and the (probably actual) neon strip light around the edge.  40 years later I still think it looks pretty good.

I forgot one of the main things I went to buy, though, so that's Saturday's task probably.

We rode home the somewhat long way.  When I reached Newcraighall I was tempted by a blast around the city bypass but I'd not tucked my ponytail in and didn't want it tangled into oblivion, so I took the shunpikes instead, combining the route BikerBabe pillioned with me on our run back from Smeaton with the route I pillioned with BikerBabe on our run back from the swimming pool.

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