
By hazelh

In the machair at Crossapol

The glorious sunshine returned to Coll today. We took full advantage of it with a cycle ride to Crossapol, a long walk to the far end of the beach, a picnic in the dunes, and an afternoon of sunbathing/reading/chatting.

Afterwards we cycled back to 'town', showered and changed, and then wandered along the road to the Coll hotel for our last dinner there (at least for now). Next comes holiday part 3(a) 

We are both distressed at the news of the disappearance of Michael Mosley. 

My blip is of some of the wild flowers in the machair. This was not far from a lapwing that went full raptor on me when I walked too close to its eggs. I include the extra mainly for the clouds, although the beach is also quite nice ;-)

Exercise today: 12 mile cycle ride; walking (11,788 steps).

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