Everyday Life

By Julez

City Square

Here is the excellent news I alluded to yesterday!

This morning I woke up at 5AM and could not get back to sleep because of how noisy Brian was. I did sleep again for an hour once he was up for work and probably would have slept longer had I not needed to be up to get ready for the hairdresser.

Leanne did my hair today and she's done a great job. It won't look rough for going to Wembley now. My next appointment should have been due the day after my birthday. I realised and booked for the week before this time.

Whilst in town I popped into the Waterside Centre and took this from the top floor, in Next, looking down over the City Square towards the market.

I headed straight home after to see if the match tickets had arrived. They had not! I had lunch and went out for a walk for exercise, and when I returned the tickets were here! So that makes life easier.

In honour of the 80th anniversary of D-Day i found this poem by Carol Ann Duffy

The Wound In Time

It is the wound in Time. The century’s tides,
chanting their bitter psalms, cannot heal it.
Not the war to end all wars; death’s birthing place;
the earth nursing its ticking metal eggs, hatching
new carnage. But how could you know, brave
as belief as you boarded the boats, singing?
The end of God in the poisonous, shrapneled air.
Poetry gargling its own blood. We sense it was love
you gave your world for; the town squares silent,
awaiting their cenotaphs. What happened next?
War. And after that? War. And now? War. War.
History might as well be water, chastising this shore,
for we learn nothing from your endless sacrifice.
Your faces drowning in the pages of the sea.

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