Everyday Life

By Julez


Today has been a good day!

For one thing I got round to paying some money into my state pension to top up a couple of years towards my pension when the time comes. It's still not going to be enough for an adventurous retirement but hopefully means I won't starve to death. 

Now I need to find a job that will mean I can get the last few years' worth until I can officially retire.

I received a bit of excellent news this morning. It's not my news to tell though so I won't be talking about it online before the person concerned does. It is very exciting...

Otherwise I have done a couple of loads of laundry and walked in the park, where I took this. (The extra was my favourite shot of today though. I don't know these two.) Sorting out the financial stuff took ages with phone calls and online stuff too, which hasn't left much time for anything else.

Yesterday I changed my hair appointment from next week to tomorrow. My hair is looking dreadful and I want it to look decent for Wembley. 

So long as our tickets arrive...

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