A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Made it!

Back to a morning walk today. I was awake so early I took the sunrise at 5.15am and later decided I may as well see if the ladies were walking. Haven't been for a while due to marking etc.

This is the start of the walk heading to Wilsden Hill. It was a beautiful morning as you can see and very warm despite the fact it was not yet 8.00am.

There are great views from the top, looking back over Wilsden and our village of Harden. When you crown the top of the hill there is a view left to the viaduct at Hewenden and forward across the Goit Stock Valley to Cullingworth. ( seen here with the wooded valley in the bottom, where we were heading and showing the farm in the middle distance above the woods which is the place where I was brought up)

I have back ache now but that was due to gardening when I got back. Thought I might as well get that out of the way before having a shower in this hot and sticky weather.

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