simple moments

By simplemoments




on top

of your game - so you can always - have good fortune in life - i believe balance truly - is necessary now more than ever - as we continue to face a - multitude of challenges in - an ever changing environment - it seems every time - i turn around i am - inundated with something new or different - to deal with that - messes with my status quo - i find myself having to - follow up on phone calls - or bills or questions - nothing feels easy anymore - and i can’t be the - only one who deals - with these kinds of issues - but the real concern is - that with it all - you find a way to - maintain an even keel - keep your head on straight - stay focused and balanced - so you do not get - out of sorts at all

fortunately as a christ follower - i have a kind and compassionate - abba father who i can - run to consistently with - every problem that plagues me - pour my heart out to him - and know he has my back - in listening and guarding me - all my days - that i will be safe with him

‘the lord will protect you from all harm; he will protect your life. the lord will protect your coming and going both now and forever.’ psalm 121:7-8 (csb)

it doesn’t get better than - that in knowing - the god of the universe - is watching over you - helping you maintain balance - and leading you towards…


happy day…..

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