


in green and gold

another from the - many in my - collection to share - on a day which - is messing with - my headache disorder - the weather here lately - has been a bit - out of the ordinary - more storms than - usual so barometric - pressure is wreaking - havoc with my system - all that means - really is that i - need to find things - around my house - of which i have - many like my - thimble collection that - runs to nearly - 110 thimbles most likely - if i were to count them

at some point - i stopped adding - because i haven’t - purchased a new ‘old’ one - in quite some time - thinking “don’t i have enough?” - i mean, do you ever think - that yourself with anything - when is enough, enough? - when do you determine - that a collection - has reached its - limit per se - and you call - it quits; or - is there a limit? - always something to - ponder isn’t there - i guess it keeps - our minds active - and that can make it…


happy day…..

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