If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Multi exposure Astrantia

It's Wednesday so it's a garden centre.  Clickychick had an early evening meeting so we decided to head to a local centre i.e. Larch Cottage Nurseries Melkinthorpe.  Sadly we knew the Wisteria would be almost over.  For those who don't know "Melki" the cafe verandah has blooming Wisteria all over the ceiling and along the front at the right time of year.

After the inevitable coffee and cake, while it poured down, we did our usual walk round photographing everything in sight (slight exaggeration but you get the idea).  I had a number I could have used and been happy with.  When I got home a sort of madness gripped me and I decided I wanted to do a multi exposure shot.  I have to admit CC talked me through the multi layer process.  I am not wildly exited by what I produced but I have used it.

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