Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


As you can see from my blip I managed to get Lily into the cat buggy and off to the vets.  The appointment was for 2.15pm and  fortunately around 1.30pm she wandered into the bathroom so I quickly shut the door, scooped her up quickly and popped her into the shower cubicle and closed the sliding doors.  She howled and howled. Got the cat basket and managed to get her into it - I suffered a few scratches in the process.  Snapped the cat basket on to its wheels and we were off.  Lily made a terrible racket all the way to the vets.  But as usual once she was on the examination bench she was as good as gold.  The vet said she was in good health. She gave Lily her booster jab, I paid and we were on our way home in no time.

Our route takes us through the park where I got my blip shot for Wide Wednesday - the theme is ' Summer/Winter scene'. Thanks to Steveng for hosting.  

When we go home Lily had some food and went to sleep for a while.  She seems to bear me no ill will for hauling her off to the vets.  Good job its only once a year. Ive  added an extra of a close up of Lily in the buggy as well as a photo I took this evening.  She was happy to pose for me

I relaxed for a while with a cup of coffee and then I had to go to the village again.  I collected the missing prescription from the other day, did some food shopping and picked up 4 parcels from Tesco.  Two parcels were in soft bags and they fitted easily into my shopping trolley.  The other two were in boxes.  One box fitted inside the trolley - with a bit of a squash.  But the other box was a large one - no room in the trolley and it wouldn't fit in the spare carrier bag I had.  Too bulky to carry under my arm either.   So I sat on a bench and unpacked the box.  It was full of small toys ( for Astrid ) ... each one wrapped in newspaper with extra newspaper for protection .  So I took each toy out one by one and put them in the carrier bag.  I tore up the box and put it into the nearest rubbish bin with the excess newspaper.  So now I could get everything back home.  As the saying goes " Where There's A Will, There's A Way".

The weather today has been changeable.  One minute heavy rain, cold and windy.  Then it was sunny ... and a few mins later the rain was back It went on like this all day.
Steps today - 10,360

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