Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Spring Flowers

Today has been sunny but with a slightly cool breeze. Its been that type of day to go for long walks and relax. Little Man and I went to the library to drop our books off and pick some up for him. We went via the supermarket, Jumbo, to pick up a muesli as well as some other bits and pieces. After we'd been to the library, we went and met up with mum, Sanne and another lady from our church, and her son, at a tea garden. We had a lovely time together there.

Sanne and I walked home together via the market, as my dad had ordered a loaf of bread from the baker but hadn't been able to collect it. He had a teaching season today, and the bread was still in the oven when he ordered it.

This afternoon was spent at home, relaxing. My dad got back and then went out with my mum. She'd been to the supermarket before he got back as she has organised an brunch with a couple of women from the church tomorrow morning. They bought a set of pyjamas for Little Man and it came with a little shirt for his bear, Hamish. Little Man was thrilled because he went to bed matching with Hamish (see the extra).

Little Man and I had a quick chat with my great-aunt. We want to make sure that Little Man recognises her when we go to visit in a few weeks time.*

The life groups are all meeting tonight, but I'm a bit too tired to go, so my parents' life group is meeting somewhere else and I'm at home, listening out for Little Man. I wanted to post this before I go to bed.

*I'm going to be tracking our travels to England on the amazing PolarSteps App, as I usually do when we do any sort of travel. Once we leave, I'll be sharing the link daily, so you can keep abreast with what we're up to. To follow our adventures, click here.

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