Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Flowers and bears. I biked into Woerden, as normal, and discovered that we were packing boxes of bears made of plastic flowers. I was told that they sell for €15 (£12.74, $16.39). So I spent the morning folding up the lids. We did go for a walk half way through, which was really nice.

I decided to bike straight home instead of hanging out in Woerden. My parents collected Little Man for me and took him to the local supermarket. I surprised them by popping in and joining them. Little Man was being pulled around the supermarket in a shopping basket on wheels, so I took over from her. When we were done, I put Little Man into his seat on the back of the bike, whilst I walked with it and talked to his grandparents. Everyone had a lie down when we got home, except for me. Little Man didn't want to sleep and so we hung out downstairs. I then took him for a walk and then to the play area near our home before dinner. He ate so well.

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