By greengirl


Scottish strawberries are here! Yum! My brother and I have fond memories of a summer we spent near Blairgowrie, working at picking soft fruit. We started very early in the morning, picked up by truck from our campsite and taken to the fruit fields. Raspberries were easier as you could pick them standing up - strawberry - picking was hard on the back. We got paid by the weight we picked, so there was a disincentive to eat the fruit, but I found the strawberries irresistible. I still do :-) My own homegrown strawberries aren't ripe yet, but it won't be long...

It was a very cold day today, with a biting wind. I did manage to get a bit of gardening done and then headed into town for the monthly team meeting at work.

Going to eat those strawberries now.

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