By greengirl


It''s always funny when people think that the countryside is a quiet place...last night we turned off the lights at 11pm and I opened the bedroom window. The silage tractors were still trundling up and down the cut field at the dairy farm on the other side of the valley, picking up cut grass, putting it into trailers and driving it along the road. Closer to the house we could hear tawny owls - not the hooting males, but the females' sharp "keee-wick" sounds. I'm used to both these noises so they didn't stop me sleeping.

I read some sad news in a message from a friend while I was having breakfast - her husband has just found out that he has cancer and only a short time to live. Such a lovely man. He is apparently in good spirits,  joking with his children and not wanting to be fussed over. I hope I will be able to die with such dignity when my time comes.

I went to work on the bus, and Luke phoned me to say he had just finished his trial shift at the Company Bakery. I would love to work in a bakery if it didn't mean starting work at 4am! 

The cafe was pretty busy today and my shift went by quite quickly. I stopped at the shops on my way home and then walked around the paths I'd mown yesterday through the long grass.

The blip is of one of the David Austin roses I planted last August - "Emily Bronte".

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