
By Munroist4113

Mr C is 81!

We had an early night, slept well and had a relaxed breakfast as it was Mr C’s 81st birthday. After dealing with the van housekeeping on site I found us a nearby tyre place as Mr C wasn’t happy with the pressure. They pumped us up free of charge and we got on our way.

After so much busy motorway yesterday we elected to take local roads. Near Luneberg Heath we had to take a detour due to a road closure then had a sudden stop, thinking something major had happened to the van, the crack and boom noise we heard was so loud. When Mr C got out to check, we heard more booms and realised we were near an army training area - we’d earlier seen a sign to a panzer museum.

It was then on to Uelzen where we had a free car park and walked through the pretty old town to the railway station, only 2.5 miles total but a nice leg stretch. We were on a mission for the birthday treat - the station was designed by Hundertwasser. (We discovered him in NZ on a wet day when we went to his toilets). We have yet to see his amazing buildings in Vienna. He’s worth googling if you haven’t heard of him! Talking art - it made my day when we drive down Kathe Kollovitz strasse - she’s one of my favourite artists.

After a wander round the station we headed back to the van for a sandwich then hit the road for Schwerin. Passing through so many small towns and villages makes for slow driving as the speed limit is 50km but we got to our P4N by 4.45pm, having driven only 153 miles. The parking tonight costs only €10 - it’s only about 30 minutes to walk to the castle.

We had a wander through the old town - there’s a lot going on with Euro elections and we got caught up in a demo - I think about Ukraine - I’ll get #2 daughter to translate the leaflet. We saw the schloss in lovely light and strolled back, having walked 4.5 miles.

We opened the champagne and I made dinner.

The blip is a bit of the Hundertwasser station.

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