This is the day

By wrencottage

Digital Clocks and Dandelion Clocks

I had a slight panic this morning, thinking we’d overslept. When I opened my eyes, my bedside clock said 9.05 am, and I was horrified. I put on my Apple watch and then discovered it was actually 6.59 am. By the time I’d grabbed my phone and pressed the camera to take a photo of the two side by side, the clock had jumped back to the correct time. Something must have gone wrong with the GPS setting on the clock. It’s happened once before.

Other than that, it’s been a good day. I went to Communion this morning and it was great to be back. I think I’ve been quite under the weather lately, without being able to pinpoint exactly what the matter was, but today I feel I’ve turned a corner and am feeling much more like my old self and feeling more energetic.

Smithers is also feeling a bit better, so we were able to go for a walk round the neighbourhood after lunch. The grass on The Green is still unmown, other than pathways criss-crossing it, so I took a photo of this seed head of a Goat’s Beard flower. At first glance I thought it was a dandelion clock!

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