A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Blowing in the Wind

I first Blipped this poppy plant back in June 2015 when it lived in a pot at my house in Kent. Back then it only produced about 3 heads a year.

Together with all my other potted plants it moved to North Yorkshire with us a couple of years ago and later I planted it in our front garden. Last year it had about 12 heads, this year it has produced at least 20 with more to come!

This is one photo taken on my iPhone using the 'Live' setting. I duplicated the options, one as a straight shot the other as a long exposure. I blended both in Snapseed. I'm very pleased with the result. 

This morning I went up the road to a green owned by our neighbourhood residents, similar to the one outside my bungalow. We have just had our AGM and it was mentioned one or two of the trees were growing too big for the space. 

I did a visual survey and identified the 14 trees which includes alder, birch, maples, rowan, cherry, elm, horse chestnut and cotoneaster. The largest is a sycamore squeeze between the elm and horse chestnut. These last few would have been planted as saplings by the original builder of the estate.

My next project will be to produce a scale drawing of the area, something some of the residents have asked for so that future plans/maintenance can be discussed. At the meeting it was agreed to vote against the removal of all the trees as proposed by one resident. I did point out it was unusual that not one vote was for the removal, not even by proxy... 

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