Glanced up as I was walking Flora and saw this character sunbathing. Unfortunately a grey but it's my blip anyway. I swithered over a lovely greenfinch first thing this morning or a kestrel this afternoon but the squirrel it is.
An unusual Wednesday for me. No five year old in her pyjamas at 07:00 but a trip for Flora and me to her house. As I blip she is at school where she will be starting P1 in August. This is her induction and a chance to meet her teacher. The eight year old is thrilled that her sister's first class teacher will be the one she had in P2 and who is apparently the best teacher ever.
Induction is only for an hour so she will be back soon with her dad who went along with her. I'll hear all about it then I'm sure. Meanwhile I'm taking the chance to sit down.
I might not manage much on blip today. I'm quite tired and I have another early start tomorrow.
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