Day at a Time

By Tweedy


Something enjoyed the chard and it wasn't me. In fairness I've had one cut but it was small (and tasty). I think I've lost this one to a caterpillar though. Shame. On the plus side there's one courgette ready to pick. 

I had a trustee meeting at 09:00 this morning. There are four of us involved in this subgroup and we meet for breakfast in Bridge of Allan. The cafe is dog friendly and, as I had to walk Flora anyway, I decided not to take the car. It's not far - maybe three miles each way - but by the time I reached home I'd walked 14km which seems like good going to me. 

It was a bit damp on my way to BoA but it's dry now. It's awfully windy though and not terribly warm. 

I was scheduled for another trustee duty this evening but that's been shifted to someone else. This means I can do my yoga class which is going to be better for me. Every day this week is an early start so some relaxation before bed is worthwhile. 

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