My day

By 59

Blue Mountains

We have failed being “tourists 101”. One night away was enough for us so we packed up and drove home this afternoon. Bob’s back is still playing up and he couldn’t sleep. It’s hard entertaining yourself in a motel room when you’re in pain. I didn’t sleep well either, strange bed which wasn’t that comfy. 

We got on the first round of the tourist bus and had tickets to Scenic World which has a variety of rides across and up the sheer mountain cliffs. As Scenic World hadn’t opened we stayed on the bus for a lap to get our bearings and decide what to do. On the second lap we hopped off at Honeymoon Lookout for the “easy” walk around to Echo Point. The bus driver said it was the easiest walk and quite suitable for someone with a crook knee. Well I had to report back to him it wasn’t at all suitable (in a kindly constructive manner). There was rough ground and more steps than I have done in years. I survived and most of the walk was lovely and very quiet with only 3 others in the 1.5 Km trip. I took the blip along the way.

After that we got on the bus and went to the eastern point for the cable car across the valley. It looks terrifying but wasn’t. Unfortunately we were on it with a pack of school children so didn’t get a chance to see a thing. Way too crowded to even see the view. After lunch we went down the steepest railway (in the world) which is always a thrill. Last time I was there I was with Paola and Walking Wombat. We came up the mountain in another gondola thing and caught the cable car back across the valley. This time it was only half full. We couldn’t believe how many tourists were there today, they said it was a quiet day. Mainly from Asia.

We waited in the cold for the next bus and returned to the hotel where Bob had a nap and I tried to have a nap before packing up and coming home. It was really nice spending the day together but it was a bit ambitious for us at the moment. We had thought about going down to Megalong Valley to visit the isbi’s but decided we couldn’t cope with another night away at the moment. 

Our trip was to celebrate our wedding anniversary today. We were married in Sydney on a beautiful warm sunny winters day. Best thing we ever did. 

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