Living my dream

By Mima

15 make 3

When I posted my first Blip on 7th June 2021, after lurking for a year or two, I decided to give it a go for a month.

I have posted every day since. And according to Blip-maths it is my 3rd anniversary. 

Thank you to Joe Tree who came up with this place.

Thank you to the backroom folk who do the tech and the admin and who keep the site running. 

Thank you to everybody for providing such interesting images and journals which feed my curiosity every day. 

And thank you to everybody who reads and comments on my daily ramblings. Your appreciation and support is heartwarming. Your love for Bean is always a delight. And your interest in my lifestyle gives me hope.

As time has passed any aspiration that I had at the start that my photography would improve has been knocked on the head by the realisation that my contributions to Blip are more to do with sharing stories of life than with the images themselves. 

I love sitting down each afternoon to turn my disjointed thoughts into some coherence, however brief on occasion. And it always helps to get a Blip in the bag early in the day so that my mind can mull over the accompanying narrative for a few hours.

Accordingly, 15 feijoas created today's Blip first thing this morning. 

They have now been chopped fine (along with several more) and are bubbling on the stove, part way to making the most delicious jam. 

Bean is supervising.

I wish I could share it with you all, but you will just have to take my word for it. Unless you come and visit of course, in which case you will be force-fed Chez Mima goodness. (It is an open invitation to Blippers...)

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