Gaia's Child

By maura143

So...Welcome Back, Human!

C & I left for Alaska on 5/24 for a trip through the Inside passage from Juneau to Sitka by way of Glacier Bay National Park.  I spent five hours in an emergency room the Sunday before we departed, a follow-up to a frightening and painful altercation, which I lost big time, with an electric hedge trimmer. (a story for another time perhaps). Index and ring finger on my left hand were sliced pretty good and required stitches. My clothing and our kitchen looked like a crime scene. I studied a couple of YouTube videos on how to remove sutures and did the deed last night. Easy-peasy! Fingers are healing well although I have no feeling on the inside of my ring finger. Time will most likely heal all of that.  
On our way to Alaska, in the Seattle Airport, I had to 'save' my camera bag from certain doom on an escalator, managing to badly strain some apparently very important muscles/ ligaments/attachments or whatever in my right shoulder and spent much of the trip in some serious pain. I photograph with my right hand naturally, so all of that hasn't had an opportunity to heal. Arm's in a sling now. I bow before the goddess Aleve!
One of the passengers on board the small ship (42 adventurers) came down with Covid toward the end of the journey and although we didn't catch that, I did come home with a nasty cold. 
This Red-shoulderd Hawk dropped by to welcome us back. I'll be 'back-blipping' for the next while, since I've gone over four years without missing a day. And can't think of a reason to start now. Watch this space. m

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