The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

A little Gift

……………………………from my favourite little person. On Sunday when I dropped the boys back to Berwick the wee one needed to be woken up, he took exception to me doing this and ended up having a right strop…he didn’t forget he’d brought me a present though and allowed himself about 10 seconds of calm to tell me…before having a complete meltdown! Two FaceTime attempts later on Sunday evening he offered a very contrite sorry.

I came downstairs this morning to an ant colony occupying my kitchen, investigation showed them arriving through the side of the window. I got rid of those which were rampaging around but didn’t have time to look at the problem properly as I needed to head north to the dentist. 

After torrential rain this morning I drove into sunshine as I headed north and arrived in perfect time for my appointment. No further treatment needed and I was soon headed home again. A quick visit to the garden centre to pick up compost and a few plants before heading home to the ants and last nights leftovers!

Stripped the kitchen window and opened it but I’m no wiser as to where the ants are coming from, though I’ve only seen one since…but the window and shutters have now been spring cleaned. A quiet evening now.

Thanks to SK for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.

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