The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


Washed the car before heading out to Zumba this morning…the seagulls had been target practising again! After a morning cuppa I headed to the prom to find the latest cargo boat was just about to be piloted up river to the dock so I diverted to the riverside to get some photos. Another two hour stint working on the driveway…yesterdays weed killer hadn’t completely worked so I cleared what I could and doused what was left with either boiling water and salt or distilled vinegar, it was too windy to use the weed killer again. I’ve just finished clearing the moss from my front door to the pavement…I’ve still got three times as much to do!!

A quick trip to Berwick this afternoon to pick up a prescription and get some cash then home and a quick Mac n cheese with added veg made for tea. It’s been another glorious day but a bit too windy to spend much time sitting in the garden. Rain is forecast tomorrow afternoon whilst I’m in Scotland at the dentist, which hopefully will save me watering the pots. I recently looked at transferring to a local dentist as I’m with Denplan only to find I’d need an up to date synopsis from my current dentist (which I’d probably be charged for), I’d then have to cancel my contract with him before I could apply to join the local practice. Here I’d have to pay circa £90 for an examination to confirm what the current dentist says is true then they’d tell me what their charges are! I think I’ll continue to drive to Dunbar twice a year and stick with the devil I know!!

Now May is oot the cloots have been cast and it’s back to shorts for my Zumba classes…not the most flattering angle though!!

Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Mono Monday this month.

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