No Cameras!
We haven't yet attracted many small birds to our garden so I was pleased to see when we got back from holiday that the seed feeder was empty and a blue tit came to inspect it. I refilled it but pretty soon discovered the real culprit; jackdaws! A couple of them had mastered launching themselves at it, grabbing a beakful of seed and dropping down onto the lawn to eat it at leisure. Of course, the wood pigeons soon cottoned on to what was going on and realised some of the seed was left on the grass, so they have been standing around watching and waiting.
In other news I was saddened to read of the death of Colin Gibb of Black Lace at the age of 70. He may not have been Lennon, Hendrix or Springsteen but I bet there aren't many people who haven't got a bit tiddly at the office Christmas party and danced to their version of The Birdie Song or embarrassed the kids by doing all the moves to Agadoo; I know I've done one of those and to give you a clue, I don't have kids.
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