
By PaulaJ


I have spent the day with bedding. Four beds from when we had visitors waiting to be dealt with, then I decided I might as well change our bed as well. So, five beds’ worth of bedding to be washed.

I decided to indulge in using the tumble drier
a) I hate hanging out sheets
b) There was too much to fit on the lines
c) If I could get stuff straight out of the dryer I wouldn’t need to iron much of it
d) It started to rain

So load after load and now it is mostly back on beds or folded up in cupboards. And in between cycles I have worked on a jigsaw and read my book. My blip is the two jigsaws I bought yesterday and the book which has a title I could not resist - perfectly describes our garden.

Tonight for the only TV I will watch all week I have a choice - The Sewing Bee or . . . !

It will be the Sewing Bee - the people there are quiet, kind, courteous and truthful!!

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