
By wildmint

More bouquetin

More bouquetin encounters this morning and, yet again, I struggled to choose my favourite.

We all slept well which was unexpected considering that there were 12 people in the dormitory. After breakfast we set off for the Col de Jorat, leaving our rucksacks at the hut to pick up later. Within a 100 mètres we were in the middle of bouquetin again. There were some directly in our way on the path and we had to be very patient waiting for them to move. See extras. We didn’t make it to the Col as it started to rain a little plus we’d lost a lot of time being distracted by the bouquetin.

We collected our rucksacks from the hut and headed back downhill to the car, 960 metres descent in total. We took an easier route through the woods to avoid the gorge as everywhere was wet and slippy. Back home mid afternoon, tired but happy.

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