
By ayearinthelife

Who Needs Enemies

…with friends like these!
Stuart gave me my birthday card today. Not only was it two days late, but he has also managed to surpass his previous effort of nine years ago when I got a card informing me that “In Dog Years, You’re Dead”
I feel that the stakes in the game of “who can send the most insulting card” have just risen to another level. I have nine months now to plan my revenge.
I did manage to choke back my tears though, and we had a quick run through of a couple of numbers that will be going in the set but we haven’t played for a while.
By the time we went for a brew I was feeling magnanimous and bought Stuart a cookie to go with his coffee. I say “bought” - it was actually a free one I had on the Costa app that had to be used by today, but it’s the thought that counts.
A trip to the new Co-Op Live music venue in Manchester tomorrow, to see The Eagles. Let’s hope they have sorted all the problems that caused a lot of gigs to be cancelled last month.

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