We were just getting ready for bed last night when there was a sound akin to an avalanche. Tony dug out the headtorch and looked out of the bedroom window to discover another section of our neighbour's wall had collapsed. So here they both are attempting to put it back together again. I do fear that the aged elder tree which houses our bird feeders may have to go as it is leaning against the wall as you can see to the left in my blip.
I set off to the hospital this morning for my final visit on the Moderna Flu Vaccine study. It was something of a reunion as there were four women who I recalled from the initial visit when we all received our doses. One woman remembered my blood pressure issues! Thankfully, no blood pressure taken today, just lots of phials of blood and a questionnaire to complete and I was on my way home. Apparently, we will find out which level of dose/placebo we were given but not until the Worldwide study is complete so that may not be for some time.
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