
By Jamjar

Two Herbs

I love Herb Robert but yesterday I pulled a lot of it out. I can't call it a thug, but it's been doing so well in the back garden that it was smothering things! This patch was allowed to stay. Apparently it's a geranium and the leaves are edible! Another weed wild flower that does well is Herb Bennet, the one with little yellow flowers and great long spreading stalks, and a lot of that has gone too. I didn't realise until just now when I looked it up, that it's a member of the geum family.

I've at last got round to edging the lawn, it's no good when grass grows right up to a brick wall as the mower doesn't cut it, and I can't be bothered to strim.

A very overcast day although no rain so far... but there's time yet.

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