All roads lead to Rome!

I'm absolutely wiped out, think I've got a virus, and there's no way I could've walked today. So I didn't. 

I caught the bus from The Sill to Chesters Roman Fort and Museum and was surprised when it pulled into Vindolanda. I hadn't visited there before so got off the bus and had a look round, before catching the next bus to Chesters. Two places ticked off the list but honestly, once you've seen one ruined fort, you've seen them all.

I've had a lot of time to think these last three days, and I've come to the conclusion that I don't need to walk the whole wall again, just visit the bits we never got the chance to last year ie Birdoswald, Lanercost, Chesters and Vindolanda. 

I'm going home tomorrow, a bus to Haltwhistle then a train to Carlisle, and I hope I'll feel up to visiting the castle before I leave. Don't think that it's a shame, it isn't. I've walked the wall last year, and I've made the right decision this year.

Fresh mixed fruit
Porridge and honey
Cheese scone and butter
One tuna mayo sandwich, thick bread so I couldn't eat the other
Dinner to come - lovely small portion of fish, chips and pea puree. Suited me and I only left a few chips, but I imagine a lot of folk would've found the portion too small.

Extra of a Roman shoe shop in Vindolanda.

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