
By carliewired

66 F/19 C

Rain showers are in
the forecast - I welcome each
drop and hope for more


I was on my way to Tranquille just before 7. It's a grey start to the day. The rain ceased overnight so the pavement was dry this morning. 

I stopped for a panorama of the wetlands pond in front of the Tranquille Farm. It continues to stretch out onto the pasture lands as the river rises. 

I was most concerned about the ospreys and their nest. Last time I was here I could not see any activity in or around the nest. I thought perhaps a big wind storm we'd had might have damaged the nest or its occupants. 

I focused on the nest and soon a head appeared above the rim of the nest. It wasn't long before the spouse appeared and tiptoed around the nest. Then it flew off to take a perch on a nearby power pole. I was much relieved that the osprey were continuing. 

I am home for the day. I'm sure I won't have any difficulty finding something to keep me busy today. There will be leftover wonton soup for lunch. 

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