Everyday Life

By Julez


I ended up in the spare room again at 3 AM today. I'd  fallen asleep easily but having woken up, I couldn't get back to sleep as Brian's breathing was so noisy.

Minstrel of course was asleep on the spare bed and I felt very guilty about evicting him. I'm a Very Bad Cat Owner! But I think I'm forgiven as he is now sleeping on my lap. He got even though, as you will see if you read on...

I feel pretty much better now. Considering that I have an under active thyroid which is meant to weaken the immune system, I always seem to shake things off pretty quickly, if I catch them at all. My throat still feels a bit tickly but otherwise I feel fairly normal so long as I don't overdo it.

Brian, on the other hand, is really struggling. He is at work, currently awaiting a call back from the doctor. They are pretty much only doing phone appointments again. I'm not sure how much help that will be if, as I fear, he has a chest infection.

I went out just before lunch to post mail and find a Blip. I wasn't out long, but when I came home it was to cat-related chaos in the kitchen. He had knocked two mugs off the mug tree, one of which was smashed to pieces. The other, a Heinz soup one, survived unscathed. He was probably hunting flies, or there was a rat in the roof again.

I saw one bee in the park. (My Blip)Yesterday's sunshine was short lived, and it's been very dull again today. It looks like rain now.

We will go to Morrisons later.

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