Everyday Life

By Julez


I managed to sleep in my own bed last night thanks to the soporific effect of a couple of G&Ts in the evening, and I slept very well.

It has been a relaxed day, with a little walk around Fiskerton Fen nature reserve in glorious sunshine to find Blips. 

Brian spotted this emerald bright insect which Google image search identified as a Chrysanthia.

On the way back we popped into Lidl for three things. We bought more than intended of course.

Both of us are still quite under the weather but the fresh air has helped a bit. Brian has it worse than me, probably because until today he's had to work through it. I have a sore throat and tickly cough and feel washed out but his has gone to his chest and he has a really bad cough. I have earache, which he doesn't though. Weird how what is clearly the same thing affects us both differently.

Minstrel is asleep on my lap. I love his cute, fluffy ear furnishings and his little lynx tips! See extra.

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