
This White-spotted Sawyer, a member of the longhorn beetle family, has been popping up around here lately. It is about an inch in length, though the antennae are even longer than the body. I've taken images of it for a few days in a row, but it's a tricky one to get in good focus. The scales on it's face have a reflective quality and somehow, most images look distorted because of that. (It's easier to see the detail in large - check out that jaw...)

It may not be the prettiest bug, but it sure it interesting and, in my opinion, a bit prehistoric looking. Most bugs that I have observed either turn their whole body to watch me or seem to be able to see me at any angle due to their multifaceted eyes, but this one rotates it's head like a dog might. It would watch me, then turn away with it's body, then turn it's head back to me... I'm not sure why, but it kind of unnerved me. It seemed far more animated than a bug should be... It even stopped watching me to turn it's head toward a loud noise in the distance. Strange. Then it popped open it's back shell, wings emerged and it took flight. A bit Sci-Fi if you ask me. ;)

It is hot and humid here today... I may have lost 10 lbs. in sweat today. Why I chose to work outside today versus last week when it was cool is beyond me. :-/ But, we are done and it feels good to have gotten so much accomplished. I say we because I did work hard today... but I didn't do a fraction of what my husband did... He's pretty amazing! Thanks to him we now have a deck platform on the land end of our new dock (and that's just one of the things he finished during his "vacation" this week).

Time to clean up and relax. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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