tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Minor catastrophe

This is our little field which neighbours our big field ( my One Field  on Blip). A few years ago we divided the big field in order to plant trees on it and also on this smaller one. 

The other section of the big field we let to the farmer next door to graze or cut for silage. Yesterday morning one of his teenage grandsons came to do that  We were out in the afternoon so we didn't know what happened next until the farmer called this morning, with profuse apologies. The lad had mistaken his instructions (we can only suppose) and having cut the correct area had then driven right across the 'forested' part on the big field and cut this small field on the other side - effectively clear felling all its baby trees (which were barely visible in the long grass.)

Most of the trees in the big field have survived the tractor+topper passing over them, including the one planted by granddaughter, but the trees here have all been chopped off at ground level. It was not a happy sight.

However, the forester who did the planting was sanguine when we contacted him for advice. He said that it's more than likely the beheaded trees will regenerate. In fact cutting them was sometimes done deliberately to strengthen growth.

We should maybe rename this field. Calamity Copse? Guillotine Grove? Suggestions welcome.

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