
By AnneILM60

Horseless Carriage

We followed this Horseless Carriage on our way home from Church today.

I sat in my front corner isolating at church as I always do and when Kent played the organ for the Spanish Branch I sat tucked behind the organ because I wanted to be out of the draft of the A/C units. It was like an ice cube in there this morning. Someone had set the thermostat on the coldest setting!

We weren’t home from church 15 minutes when our neighbour Jim called. He had an emergency with the dog Havoc and due to having a panic attack was not fit to drive. Kent drove Jim & Havoc to the emergency vet clinic. Since Kent is allergic to all things furry, I had him take my vehicle.

Tomorrow when Kent heads off to work, I’ll take my vehicle and clean & vacuum the inside and then take the rear seat protector to the laundromat to wash.

It’s been an eventful day.

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