
By LesTension


Yes, it is Motorhead Sunday....but not today.  I've been way too busy for the last few days to dig out vintage auto photos.  But here's one I made today...this afternoon.
It was Commencement, graduation day, at our local high school, the school I taught at for 46 years. This was the 106th Commencement Exercise at our little school and I have photographed 58 of them.  In fact, I had one or both parents of half these students back in the day.  Perhaps more than half of them.
This is the graduating class of 2024.  The various cords around the shoulders of some of the classmates signify certain honors that they were accorded.  The purple ribbon on their gowns is in memory of a deceased classmate.
This class is truly an outstanding class.  For a very small school, this class has distinguished itself in the area of mathematics and science.  There are fewer than 200 students in the entire high school and we out performed most of the "big" schools having two or three thousand students.  We ranked 13th in the state in math and science and this group of 34 students racked up just short of  $1 million USD in scholarship money.  There are several future engineers among them, a veterinarian, a couple of teachers, several in the health field and more than few in environmental work and several studying business.  They were the best in the state in overall ACT scores (college readiness test) and we had one senior who wrote a perfect 36 on her very first try. We have an outstanding school system....quality over quantity, that's for sure.

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