
By Teasel


I was up early to review the work I did late last night.  I made a couple of wee tweaks and dispatched the documents to others to deal with.  I quickly logged off and got myself ready for the day.  I left BB in bed – which is not worthy of note, in that he now spends about half his life lying in bed.  I caught the bus into Edinburgh and headed to get my hair cut.  It was a nice morning and it turned into a nice day.
After my hair cut I had to pick up some rugby boot studs for BB, then I wandered into the city centre.  He was supposed to be coming into town to meet me, but was running late.  I killed some time in Waterstones, and amazingly no purchases were made, though I was tempted.  He eventually arrived and we met up.  He was starving – so we bought some sandwiches and enjoyed them in Princes Street Gardens.  The reason he came in was to get a new pair of shoes, and he needed his mother to assist (and pay!).  The first shop we tried had nothing that fitted him, but thankfully the second shop did.  Shoes were purchased and he then wanted to look in the Lego shop.  I think turning 18, has reignited his interest in Lego, especially as his girlfriend bought him a set, which he has already made.  He had a good look around – but no purchases were made.
We then picked up some food from M&S for tea and headed in search of a bus home.  The bus was very busy and very hot, and I was glad to get home.  I then resumed my chores.  I fed him and he then headed off to a party – wearing his new shoes.  When TT came home, I told him what was for tea, and left him to it, as I wanted to go out for a walk.  I called my mum and dad when I was out, giving them a running commentary on my wildlife spotting – which was mainly deer and hares. 
I had my tea when I got home.  We watched Have I Got News for You, then TT was back to James Bond,  Tonight was Octopussy – he said it got better, the more whisky he drank!  I was feeling rather weary – probably because of my late night and early start, so left him with Octopussy.
A few years ago I blipped an interesting gravestone.  This is on the opposite side of it – equally interesting, but it has taken me almost seven years to blip it!

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